OK I know we need it, but showers are worse than a big downpour. I just get stuck into something outdoors and down it comes ! I take off my boots etc, put everything away as it's pouring and lo and behold out comes the sun ! and so it goes on. A good old cuss usually does the trick ! makes me feel better anyway.
My garden has some lovely tulips this year, more than previous years and I love them. I am tempted to cut them and bring them indoors, but I don't as I know they look better for longer in the garden.
I can't wait to get up to the allotment on a fine sunny day and plant out my Calabrese which is still not in the ground as it's too wet and sticky. They have been put into compost to keep them healthy meantime. We are still having frosts which means two trips to the allotment most days to take the fleece off all the growing plants in the greenhouse and then to cover them up again for the night. Roll on the frost free days so I can leave them uncovered.
IAVOM ~ Jumping For Joy!
1 day ago