Showing posts with label Witterings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Witterings. Show all posts

Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Help I think I'm obsessed !

I really do think I am obsessed with my seedlings and plants, to the point that they are the first things I look at in the morning, apart from the husband that is ! and that's before I have had my breakfast. I am not sure that this is a good thing, but I can't help myself. The seed trays are on the study windowsill, so as I raise the blind in the morning I have to inspect them, and then I usually turn the trays around as they keep going forward towards the light. (probably trying to escape my prodding !)

If that wasn't bad enough I have now taken to poking around in the vermiculite (very carefully ) to see if anything is happening underneath, and I got really excited this morning as I could see little Echinacea leaves (such teeny tiny little plants) just beginning to appear. Sixteen of them so far. Does anyone else do this I wonder ? or is it just me that's impatient ? Then I go and check the seedlings in the mini greenhouse. Then there's the ones on the kitchen windowsill !! HELP !
I dread to think what will happen when I sow the next lot, I don't think I will ever get my breakfast until lunchtime.
It's got to stop I don't want to be obsessed, or am I possessed ? So tomorrow I am going to have breakfast first and then do the seed round.

I don't have a plant photo today, I am posting instead a photo I took at "Mottisfont Abbey" last week of the beautiful Mosaic Angel there. She is stunning to see, the photo can't do her any justice.

One last thing, I just want to say a thank you to everyone who visits my blog and especially for the comments. Its so lovely to know that you are stopping by, just like friends calling in. I don't always get to answer the comments but I try too especially if it's a question. I also love visiting your blogs as often as I can.

Saturday, 6 December 2008

Sometimes we take things for granted.

Perhaps I should re-phrase that to "I take things for granted", because I don't know if anyone else does, but I do know that I do. You may wonder what brought this on ? well ! I often think I need more, and maybe start feeling that more possessions or more money or more holidays will make me happier and better contented. (Not that I am unhappy or discontented, well not often anyway !)

Then the other evening sitting in my living room, curtains shut, heating on, candles lit ( I am a candle freak and always have been ) glass of wine, listening to some music (got the picture !) I suddenly realised by looking around my cosy room (even though the sofa's are old) that it looked great and I that I often forget and take for granted just how much I/we have. IE: - a cosy home, a brilliant family, each other, etc ! and lots of people have nothing, literally nothing, and so I got my camera out (this was very late at night ) and went around snapping little snapshots of my home, just little items and cosy corners that although have no big value, but to us are memories of who gave them to us or where and when we chose them. Even things in my food cupboard, like my favourite porridge (OK ! Very odd ) I got carried away snapping and even took a couple next day in the garden, but this exercise made me look at my home in a different light, almost like I hadn't seen it for ages. I recommend you do this if you ever feel dissatisfied.

Anyway I added them all in a set on FLIKR ( "Images of Home" link below if you care to look) and honestly when I looked at them it all looked cosy and warm and made me realise that I don't need anything else at all. Well maybe some more !!!!!!!! ?????