Showing posts with label Viola's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Viola's. Show all posts

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Flowers for free, who needs a florist ?

I have been feeling very weary over the last few days. I am half expecting to come down with something, I am so used to having bags of energy, so I hate not feeling 100%,, anyway ! I only told you that because I haven't really done much at the lottie these last few days. I probably overdid it on Saturday up there (6 hours) and keeping up a large garden as well doesn't help energy levels.
So I am just going to post some photo's of the first decent bunch of flowers picked from the garden this morning. They cheered me up, especially as they were free.

In the 'tete a tete' vase there is three different violas. In the glass vase there are Cerinthe, Cornflowers, Aqualigia, Spirea, and another bit of shrubbery.

Two close up shots of the flowers.

Close up shot of the Cerinthe.

A perfect bouquet for the mantelpiece

Friday, 13 March 2009

My Garden has declared it's Spring !

These are photo's I took around the garden today. I guess it must be Spring ! The little Viola below has made it all through the terrible Winter and is blooming as though it's summer. The heather is beautiful this year and surrounds my Buddha. The little tete a tete Narcissus was a surprise, I don't remember putting them there, but I may have emptied a pot last year and planted them, I certainly don't recall them being there before. The forsythia is always a welcome sight each Spring and is right outside my kitchen window and has a bright yellow double "Kerria" beside it.
The "Tartiflette" I cooked last night was delicious, I took some step by step pictures and will post it soon with the recipe. You may like to try it as it's filling especially with a salad.