Showing posts with label Atriplex. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Atriplex. Show all posts

Friday, 5 June 2009

The Dahlias are beautiful.

The Dahlias on the lottie are in flower and I love them. It has been worth all the trouble of caring for them since sowing the seeds. I now have lots of flowers growing on the plot in between the vegetables as well as in separate beds, and it is looking very colourful.
All the vegetables are coming on well and I should be harvesting, broad beans, peas and kale very soon. I am already picking the spinach beet, mizuna and the cabbage which is from last winters sowing. I will post photo's of the veg tomorrow.
Yesterday I planted some Pak Choi but when I checked it today something had pulled some of them out of the ground and some leaves were eaten. I think it was probably pigeons, they must have tugged on them whilst munching the leaves which made them come out of the soil. Oh well ! some you win and some you lose.
The lottie flower bed.

Dahlias, Pansies and Fennel

Cosmos, Altriplex and Cerinthe.

Monday, 18 May 2009

The Dahlias are in at last.

Do you remember my Dahlias that I grew from seed ? well today I planted some of them out in the cutting bed on the allotment. Now I can't wait to see them flower. I grew 70 plants, and lost about 5 to the frosts in the cold greenhouse. I gave lots away to family and lottie neighbours and still have many more for myself.
I grew 2 varieties: Disco Dancer -mixed, and Fireworks -mixed

Dahlias starting out.
Three views of the bed the Dahlias are in.

In this bed are Cosmos,'Sonata Dwarf mixed' , Echinacea, 'Pink Parasol' , Cornflower, 'Polka Dot mixed', Dahlias (as above), Cerinthe major, and Atriplex hortensis var. Rubra which is really a herb, but a very beautiful plant, the colour is fabulous. I bought one at the Hampton Court flower show last year and it self seeded dozens of little new plants for free !! (see photo below)