Showing posts with label Yard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yard. Show all posts

Monday, 13 April 2009

Time Flies

I haven't posted for a week ! where does the time go? We had a fabulous time in London with my son. We visited Regent's Park, Primrose Hill, Tower Bridge, Borough Market ( a real Londoners area) that was during the day and in the evening we went to a Jazz club in Soho (fantastic band!) and the Wednesday evening we went to an Iranian restaurant, so a very busy few days. I LOVE London !

I have been busy since I got back from London. I have been sowing my courgettes ( 3 different kinds) and "munchkin" squash, and "Coquina" squash. I'm not sure if the latter will germinate as I saved the seeds from one that I bought in Asda last year, it was delicious, but I have never seen the seeds on sale anywhere, so maybe they wont grow here, I'll keep you posted. I also sowed my "Burpless" cucumber seeds.
The Dahlias have all been re-potted into much larger pots as they have really grown this last couple of weeks. I have planted out more Sweet-peas, the "Cupani" have been planted out a couple of weeks now as they were sown in the Autumn. Also planted out some Cosmos, and a few Cerinthe's, so fingers crossed we don't get any surprise frosts.
AND ! I have found a second hand shed for sale. My present one is far to small it's 6ft x 4ft, so my daughter will have that one on her plot. The new one is 8ft x 6ft, almost new condition and I hope to collect it during the week. We have to take it apart (That should be fun !!) and I have someone to collect it for me and take it to the lottie, I was so excited as 2nd hand good condition sheds are very rare.
Below are some photo's from London that I hope you will like. I took so many, I would love to show them all, I will post them on flikr at some point.

Magnolia, just inside the gate of Regent's Park, London

A floating Chinese Restaurant on the river Thames, London

A very pretty front garden in "Primrose Hill" London

A Window box with a difference in Primrose Hill.

A perfect place for us gardeners to eat !! spotted in London.

Flower shop in Borough, London. I loved this area.

Aren't these gorgeous ? they were outside another florist shop.

This last photo was taken from my son's apartment window. I took it to show all the folk in the USA and Canada just what we call a "Yard" it's a tiny space of concreted area where there is just enough room for a few pots and some climbers (if your lucky). The yard in the photo belongs to the ground floor apartment, and that is two yards, Next doors as well, you can just see the fence in between !