Friday, 27 February 2009
Photo of the glasshouses at RHS Wisley
Wednesday, 25 February 2009
Signs of Spring at RHS Wisley
I love Hellebores and have started a collection of my own for the garden. I didn't get to the allotment today, but I did pot on my Dahlia seedlings. I have far too many, but I am sure someone at the allotment will be glad of some, including my daughter, who with her partner is just starting to plan out their plot. The seedlings seemed to have done well after their little holiday on my son's windowsill. I will post a photo when they are a little bigger.

Tuesday, 24 February 2009
Bertie and Florence Rose
and her big brother Bertie who is 17 months of age, I am hoping to get a photo of them together in a couple of weeks, but at the moment Bertie prefers crisps to his sister, so we will have to wait until he shows some interest in holding her.
we are home now after a very hectic 4 days, and hopefully back to the lottie tomorrow. I popped up there when I got home and it looks like other plot-holders have done a lot of work there over the weekend, so I have a lot of catching up to do.
Sunday, 22 February 2009
Thank you !
I hope to be at the allotment on Thursday. I expect you are all digging and preparing your beds. The weather is so nice, soon be spring.
Saturday, 21 February 2009
My New Grand-daughter has arrived , and my obsession has got worse
And the obsession with my seedlings has taken a turn for the worse, because I have bought them with me to stay at my son's home !!! how could I leave them at home for days to fend for themselves ??? my husband couldn't believe his eyes when he look in the boot of the car and saw the seeds trays. My son couldn't believe his eyes when he saw them on his dining-room windowsill ! I don't know what all the fuss is about, they just don't understand do they ? if they haven't ever planted a seed and seen it grow, how could they ??
I will hopefully be able to post a photo of Florence and her brother Bertie when I get back on Wednesday. Have a good week everyone and lets hope this lovely weather stays and gets even better.
Wednesday, 18 February 2009
Help I think I'm obsessed !
Growing Leeks
I have to say I have found leeks very easy to grow. They are very fiddley to prick out, imagine handling blades of grass & you have the picture. They also take a while to get to pencil thickness, which is when they are ready to plant out. I think the planting of them was the weirdest thing for me, you have to use a large dibber or a narrow trowel, make a hole and just drop the tiny leek into the hole, then fill the hole with water ( puddle in) and leave it. I just wanted to do what we usually do with anything we plant and that is to cover it around with soil, but you have to leave the soil to fill in gradually on it's own. This gives the leek room to swell. Also some people recommend earthing them up to give a longer white stem,(blanching) I didn't do this last year, but I am thinking about doing it this year to see what happens. I hope this doesn't put any of you off, as it's really worth all the effort, and once planted they are no bother at all. Here is a link for advice on growing:
and the best bit is yummy leek and potato soup.
Tuesday, 17 February 2009
Humour on the plot !
Monday, 16 February 2009
I almost forgot !!
Ok, So one little Ladybird doesn't mean it's Spring.
Yesterday I spent 2 hours on the allotment and dug over one of the leek beds ready to plant something else in it this year. The leeks were small but were very tasty in a soup for lunch today. I took all the dead and large leaves off the Purple sprouting broccoli, and weeded that bed and raised the netting so the pigeons couldn't eat it before I tasted it. It's taken a year but I love P.S.Broccoli, so I am sure it will be worth the wait.
I noticed in Tesco's that the baby brussel sprouts were on sale at £1.09p ( roughly the same amount as in my pic) and I have had many more bags this size and bigger, so that made me feel good, and the leeks are expensive to buy especially the baby size that I picked yesterday, so it really does save money to GYO.
Sunday, 15 February 2009
A Photography "meme"
This was taken at RHS Wisley Gardens in June 2008, it's a bronze seated statue in one of their little inspirational gardens, she is really beautiful and I wish I could have her in my garden. That was a bit of luck that this photo was garden related ! So if you fancy a go, look up your 4th folder and post your 4th picture for all bloggers to see !
Saturday, 14 February 2009
Dahlia seedlings
Anyway, on Monday I planted some flower seeds in it. I sowed -Dahlia "Disco Dancer",
Dahlia "Fireworks Mixed " and Echinacea ,"Pink Parasol", I was amazed to see that the Dahlias are up already, I couldn't stop peeking at them. I have never grown Dahlias before, but as they are a traditional allotment flower, I thought I would have a go at growing them from seed.
As always I have grown far too many, so goodness knows where I will put all these plants when they need potting on. I am waiting for the Echinacea to appear now, these are for my garden.
I also had Some purple sprouting broccoli seeds " Rudolph" in the post today from Anna over at "greentapestry" she kindly shared her packet with me. So a big thank you to Anna. As I said before in another post, Bloggers are the loveliest people.
It's been a lovely spring like day today, but I didn't do any gardening or go to the lottie, as I was busy sewing ( the Pooh Bear embroidery) and doing housework. I may go up on Sunday if the weather is fine and see how the ground is as I would like to dig a trench for my beans. So I might just have an allotment post next week.
Thursday, 12 February 2009
It's been one of those busy busy days
Monday, 9 February 2009
Rain and Grey Skies
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
That's more like it ! the snow is going Hurrah !
My latest sowing of Broad Beans in the loo roll tubes are now up and looking great, which is good news, as I think I lost most of the Autumn sown ones that I transplanted to the bed on the allotment. Oh well it's all trial and error and in this case the latter, but then we don't usually have such bad weather, so maybe I will have another go next Autumn again. I will post a photo of the beans in a couple of days. As I thought these pics are a bit cheery for today. I love my frog ornament, he has real attitude and those eyes make me laugh !