So far this year most of my seeds that I sowed have come on really well, I say most as my Asters didn't come up at all. They were old and out of date so that could have been the reason although I have grown out of date seeds before with good results.
Here's a few of the things doing well so far
Broad beans growing fast and need to be put in the ground very soon as they are getting leggy
My cut and come again mixed salad leaves, can't wait to start cutting these !
Herbs mostly from last year and probably needing to be re-potted with fresh compost I only hope I don't find any vine weevils ! The bane of my gardening life !!

My first successful growing of Ranunculus , I only hope they grow into healthy plants as I love them and they are expensive to buy.
Courgette plants the variety is 'Zuccini' love courgettes so can't wait to harvest these
These are the many Zinnias I'm growing for my cutting patch at the allotment and some for the garden.
That's about it and still plenty of things sown which haven't appeared yet, such as runner beans, early French beans and squashes . The butternut squashes have grown are are coming on well as are the chillies, and tomatoes