The weather here today has been very wet and dull, what a contrast from yesterday ! I really was looking forward to getting up to the lottie and harvesting all the remaining brussel sprouts. There are quite a lot, so I intend freezing them. This will then free up that bed so I can dig it over and put some compost on it ready for the next crop (haven't decided what yet !) oh well hopefully it will be a better day tomorrow. My potatoes are chitting well, and I intend to get them in during the next week or so. I have a small amount of "Nicola" some "Swift" and some "Desiree". I grew "Pink Fir Apple" last year, I loved them, but no one else did, so I haven't bothered this year.
The "Saint Pierre" tomatoes are doing well, I have grown far too many, but these 6 are going in the greenhouse on the plot as soon as they are a little sturdier, the others I will give away or sell at my boot sale. The small "Red cherry" are also growing well and I have some "Alicante" which were sown later but are catching up fast.
Life's Alive In Everything
4 days ago
You tomato plants look well. Ours are only about an inch high at most so far - they began germinating a couple of days ago. And this is the earliest we've ever sown them, I don't know why.
OMG Maureen, I have never actually seen how a potato grows--does that sound 'dumb' or what??!!!
Yours look amazing. They are going to 'sprout' so many new ones from those 'eyes'!!
By the way, Carol King's 'You've Got A Friend' just blows me's always been one of my favorites and it just touched my emotions today;-) Love it!
EB, I always grow my tomatoes early. Last year I only had them growing in the greenhouse on the allotment, but I am going to try some outside as well this year.
JAN, no that doesn't sound dumb at all. Last year was the first time I had grown potatoes, and I had to watch someone dig theirs up so that I would know what to do with mine. Chitting them gets them off to a good start, but they can be planted without doing it.
I'm glad you enjoyed the Carol King track, it's lovely I agree. Have you listened to the Cara Dillon tracks I put on there? she has such a pretty angelic voice.
Hiya Maureen, I have finally found some time to catch up on a few lotty blogs and you are 1st! i love your blog, it's such a good read and your toms are doing really well already. Mine are 2 weeks old this weekend and I have 1 set of leaves so far so will probably pot them on today ready to take to my NEW greenhouse which arrives today and will hopefully go up over the weekend. I also love your sign - tresapassers will be composted! Can I make one for my plot???? Would you mind if I copied your idea ?
Take care for now xx
Sorry, forgot to put a "follow these comments tick in"
Hi Ali
Great to see you back in action. You are going to love your greenhouse, it's so nice to potter about in there during the summer. Last year I bought a "Burp-less" cucumber plant from a garden centre, I have never seen the seeds anywhere. I grew it in the greenhouse and the cucumbers were so tasty, must look out for another one this year.
I am glad you like my sign and of course I don't mind if you copy it. I made it as rustic as I could. It always raises a smile even now and it's been up a year.
Have fun putting up the greenhouse.
Maureen :) :)
Your tommies have done so much better than mine , well done !
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