Today I finally made the visit to the plot. ( sorry I've just got sidetracked ) - I am looking out of my study window as I type and it's snowing AGAIN, not very hard, but never the less snowing ! anyway back to the lottie visit.
It was looking quite dismal and bare as I knew it would. Armed with my camera I took a few photo's of what's going on up there, just so I have a record of events. this is how it looked, sad and lonely.
Poor old Rosie the scarecrow badly needs a make over, new clothes and hat and more straw for her hair, she is looking very sad.

I was cheered by the fact that although I have lost the brussel sprouts and a couple of the 'Rudolph' purple sprouting broccoli ( my favourite veg ) a couple of the plants are starting to pick up and produce some lovely purple sprouting stems. The garlic is doing well and the kale seems to endure anything the weather throws at it. There is still some perpetual spinach going strong, not sure how edible it is though.
'Rudolph' purple sprouting broccoli.

I lifted the fleece which is covering some cabbages I planted last autumn and as you can see they have survived, but need to grow a lot more yet. it's strange that the ones that were left over from the planting and just in shallow compost and left in a very cold greenhouse during all the freezing weather, are doing much better than the planted ones. They didn't get much water either. Hopefully I can get those planted soon and have some lovely cabbages for the spring.
The cabbages I planted out under fleece in the autumn.
The cabbage plants left all winter in a cold greenhouse and doing well so far !
Finally, it lifted my spirits to see the wallflowers that I planted beside the lottie greenhouse have survived that terrible cold spell, amazing ! they made such a wonderful display last spring and flowered for ages, so I look forward to the first bud showing. There was also Lot's of bulbs showing through, so although my hands were frozen,and I hated being up there in the cold, it was a positive visit. Photo below is the Wallflowers today.

This one of the wallflowers is from last spring, can't wait for this years to flower.