I thought I would share some photo's with you from the 25th wedding Anniversary party that we went to on Saturday. It was a 70's & 80's themed fancy dress, (optional). I am ashamed to say we took the option not to, and I wish we had made the effort now as there were so many great costumes there as you can see by this small selection below.
It was actually a very tiring afternoon/evening, as it took us two and a half hours drive to get to the venue, we then we stayed until almost 11pm and didn't get home until well after 1am.
It was however great to catch up with family some who we don't see very often, so we are glad we decided to go.
I have no idea who most of these people (in the photo's) are, they were friends of the couple who's party it was. I was happy just taking photo's of all the great efforts people went to.
'Rod Stewart'
'Prince' and 'Batman'
'Psychedelic Hippies'
'Sergeant Pepper' I loved this outfit
Hippies again
These two chaps loved being dressed as girls !!
not sure who they were meant to be though.
A Bumper Harvest.
Last of all I thought I would show off my bumper harvest that I got from the allotment today.
I have to get up there and do some serious clearing up very soon. I have some huge pumpkins growing and lot's of other squashes, the beetroot has grown rather large, I should have pulled them up ages ago, but we didn't need them before. I am going to make apple and beetroot chutney with the very large ones as I don't think they will taste as nice as when they are smaller.
Little & Large !
The Harvest
Runner and French beans, tomatoes, Sweetcorn, courgettes (yellow & Round) baby Aubergine, Green Peppers, Chillies, cooking Apples (from the allotment's Apple tree that everyone shares) 'Munchkin squashes'
That is a really pretty harvest you have. I always envy those that can grow green peppers. I've tried so many times and just don't get much of a harvest.
The party looks like it was fun.
That harvest is certainly one to feel proud of, that beetroot is huge.
I enjoy this time of year at the allotment - or at least the produce emerging from it. (Haven't actually been up there since early summer. Soon.) The mix of different coloured beans and tomatoes make your heart sing, don't they?
P x
wow... a real bumper crop! i think those guys are judy garland and liza minelli?!!
DAPHNE, my peppers aren't that great as they never grow very big, but I don't mind as I like them small, and they are very tasty.
KELLA, the party was fun. The large beetroot was a disaster, I cooked it to put into a chutney, but it had no colour and was horrible I will post a pic just as a warning to myself not to ever leave them that long before pulling again.
PAM, it is good this time of year getting so much from the plot. I haven't been up to really work on it for weeks, so as the crops are coming to and end I will clear each bed and weed as I go along.
SWEETMYRTLE. you are right they were indeed Judy Garland & Liza Minnelli, well spotted. I did think the one in pigtails looked like she was Dorothy from the 'Wizard of OZ' but wasn't sure, I should have asked them really.
Thanks everyone for the visit and comments. I will be visiting each & everyone's blogs soon, we seem to have another busy week ahead. So much for being retired it's certainly not leisurely. !!!
Doc, when I see characters like "Prince and Batman" - that's normally when I cross the street.
Those vegetable pictures are heavenly.
I loathe fancy dress parties, not because I don't think they're fun, more that it takes so much effort to get dressed up. I would have been one of the one's without a costume. Everyone looks fab though. It certainly looks like alot of fun was had.
Your harvest is great. I love this time of year when all the hard work is paying off.
I think one of the two 'girls' is either Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz, or maybe Alice in Wonderland (with 'Drink Me' bottles??)
PROSPERO, I know what you mean, if I saw those chaps in the street I would cross over too. We saw some even weirder characters when we were in Boston, USA some years ago.
The vegetables tasted heavenly too, we had some roasted in olive oil, flavoured with, basil, rosemary & garlic. Mmmmm.
CHICKENLOVER ( are you really ??) yes your right it is Dorothy from 'Wizard of Oz' I checked it out with the hostess.
JO, I know what you mean about fancy dress and that's why we didn't dress up, however I realised that I could have easily have knocked together a hippie outfit from my wardrobe ! so wish I hadn't been so reluctant.
It looks as if a good time was had by one and all. Your allotment is certainly rewarding you for all your hard work ! I have some big beets too - had not thought of chutney so thanks for the idea :)
Fab blog...very inspiring
ANNA, thanks for the comment. My chutney smelt really good whilst I was cooking it. The recipe recommended leaving it for about a month, so I haven't tasted it yet. If you need a recipe let me know as I found about 5 online.
THE SYDERS, thanks for the visit and the comment, I left a comment on your blog.
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