I hadn't been to the allotment since last Thursday and there wasn't a sign of an artichoke then, so today I was excited and amazed to find lot's of little artichokes popping up on the plants that only got sown and grown this year. I can't wait to cut them and cook them.
Aren't they amazing plants ? I love them and need to find a recipe to pickle the hearts in oil and herbs.
I also have lot's of fruits on the cape gooseberry.
And the chillies are doing well.
Lots more potatoes and garlic
Runner beans are forming and there seems to be two different varieties, so I must have sown the ones with the white flower by mistake. I've no idea what they are.
French beans are forming as well. I have 'Fasold' and 'Blue Lake' and another mistake that's got sown which I think a neighbour gave me seeds from her dark bean crop last year. They look beautiful I can't wait to try them.
There are loads of flowers and still more to come such as the 'Astor's' the bees and hover-flies are loving the plot at the moment and the Cosmos and Lavender are a favourite.
The 'Echinacea' grown from seed last year are doing exceptionally well. So all in all the visit today was really worthwhile as it's all looking productive and pretty.
Winter Wonderland At Stillestead
6 days ago
Your Cape Gooseberries look better than mine. Mine have lots of flowers but the fruits that have formed so far are miniscule. I hope they get a bit bigger.
Your plot is looking wonderful and the globe artichokes are amazing, I've never grown them myself.
Hi MARK, it's the first time I've grown cape gooseberries. I bought the first and largest one from the garden centre, and then a friend gave me two that she had grown from seed, so far they seem to be doing well. I hope yours get more fruit on them.
Hi DAMO, thanks for the comment. I've never grown Globe artichokes before either. They are only small at the moment, which is apparently a good time to harvest them. This is their first year so I am amazed that I have globes already. You should have a go as you are so successful in whatever you grow
Congratulations on the artichokes Maureen. You must be delighted. I like the red and white flowered bean combination - a happy accident :)
Thanks ANNA, I just need to find out what size to leave them to grow until I harvest them. As for the beans, they are already being picked and eaten.
Those artichokes look amazing - bet they'll be delicious too.
P xx
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