First of all I'd like to wish everyone a belated Happy New Year.
Secondly Id like to tell you that I've given up my allotment after almost eight years. It was a long time coming as I was getting less time to work on it and it was becoming very neglected and full of bindweed which drove me insane. So it had to go ! I have to say that looking through this blog I'm going to miss it ! But my plan is to put some small raised beds in the garden at home and also grow my french beans in amongst the flowers.
As long as I have french beans, courgettes, salad leaves and spinach I will be more than satisfied.
Also my dear friend Frances still has her allotment which is opposite where mine was, so I will be sharing some of her goodies. I also grow blueberries, strawberries and all my herbs in the garden already so it won't be too bad. It's been a relief not to have to go and weed there. I think when something becomes a chore and not enjoyable it's time to admit defeat and give it up.
I've been Upcycling and shabby chic -ing furniture and selling it in my friends vintage shop for some time now plus working in the Shop a day a week, so my time doing that has left me little time to work the allotment. I will still keep the blog going and let you know how growing veg in the garden pans out.
All the best
M xxx
IAVOM ~ Jumping For Joy!
3 days ago
Sounds like you made a wise decision, Maureen. But please do keep the blog going. A happy new year to you, too. P. x
Hi Pam, thank you so much for your comment. I will keep the blog going and hope I can manage to,grow some good veggies in the garden.
Happy New Year to you and your family. I hope you are well xx
Maureen, If you love growing vegetables and flowers, you will grow them in any bit of space. Enjoy your garden... but, yes, please, keep up your blog :-) I got my allotment in 2009. I immediately injured my knee (supermarket trolley fault) and it took me 2 years to walk properly again. Was scared I would have to give up my allotment, after waiting to get one at the back of my road for almost 18 years. And then I injured my shoulders (lifting holiday luggage awkwardly) and once again I feared not managing my plot, so resorted to small amounts of weed spraying because weeding was so very painful on wrist, elbow, shoulder. The birth of two grandsons later, I am still in loads of all-over body pain (diagnosed fibromyalgia), I constantly seek easier ways too keep up my allotment, especially a few permanent growing structures. This is my 6th season on my plot and I have several soft fruit beds, cherry tree (fan trained to take narrower space), and similarly fan trained fruit trees (apple, pear, plum, peach) and this year getting fig and grape :-)
Hi Carmx thank you for visiting my blog and your comment. You sound so positive about growing your veg even though you had so many health problems.
I see by your profile you come from Malta !
We love it there and have been to Malta on holiday a few times.
We hope to
go back again in the future.
Take care
M xx
I've done exactly the same thing. I got my allotment in 2008, but have now given it up to my brother in law. I'm revamping my garden and putting raised beds in at the moment. Looking forward to growing crops at home now!
I have just had a rain-shelter-come-sunshade put up next to my shed and my grandsons had their first 2015 siesta over there this week :-) Now netting my cherry tree! All the seedlings doing great in the greenhouse. Will have a planting out picnic/cookout end May. I plant while friends cook on the BBQs :-)
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