I don't know about anyone else but I am so fed up with looking at bowls of tomatoes taking over my kitchen, hasn't it been a great year for them ?? trouble is I grew too many. So here I go again making more batches of Italian style tomato, garlic and chili pasta sauce. I have frozen about five pots already and used some to cook with and it was delicious. So here are all the ingredients and all grown on my plot I might add !! ready to make another big batch of the sauce. I am scared to look out in the garden in case I see more ripe tomatoes !!
What has everyone been doing with their tomatoes ?? I would love to know, so any tips please pass them on.

This is another veg that I have had in abundance, cute little 'munchkin squashes' and as sweet as they look I am running out of ideas to cook them apart from adding them to soups and stews, and baking them. Does anyone else grow these ?
I won a giveaway prize from Damien at
'Two chances veg plot blog' it arrived this morning and is a 'Lands End' gift voucher for £25 to spend on something from their range of clothing. Also enclosed was three packets of nasturtium seeds, lovely ! so thank you Damien and also to your little girl for picking my name out of the hat.