Hello everyone, have you missed me or didn't you even realise that I hadn't posted for weeks ?I have been so busy that I didn't get any time to post, and then I found it hard to get into it again. I had all the words in my head, but just couldn't get them written down, very odd !
The title of the post is referring to my little granddaughter Florence who was baptised last Sunday, and she really looked like a little princess. She was so good whilst being baptised, but by the end of the service she was fed up with it all and looked very cross, wouldn't smile and got very fidgety. The photo below was taken prior to her baptism, so that's why she is smiling.

The weather has been dreadful hasn't it, and those poor people that have had the floods, my heart goes out to them. I can't imagine how it must feel to have to leave your home, especially at this time of year with Christmas only four weeks away.
I have tried to get to the allotment so many times over the past few weeks only to be beaten by the weather. I am beginning to think someone 'Up There' is having a laugh at my expense, as on a few occasions I have actually been on my way and the sun was shining, and as soon as I turned the corner and the lottie was in sight the heavens opened and I had to turn around and go home again, Aaarhhhh !!
I desperately want to dig the second trench for the asparagus and put the manure in. The first trench was dug and filled weeks ago. If I don't get it done soon the soil wont be ready for planting the asparagus when it's delivered in the spring. I am only going to plant 10-12 as most books recommend that this number is enough to feed the average family and there is only two of us, although my daughter-in-law is partial to asparagus as well.
Today was cold, raining and windy, so definitely not gardening weather. I decided to give my study/craft room a sorting out, as most of the time I can never find what I need and have to go through all the drawers to find it. It took best part of the day and I'm still not finished. All the drawers are now tidied, sorted and labeled, so I know exactly where all my craft things are now.
So much has happened since I last posted, we have had a Christening and a funeral, and although that was a sad occasion Austin got to meet up with cousins he hadn't seen in a long time and one he hadn't seen since they were children in India.
I have started another blog 'Recipes from Allotment Heaven' the link is on the right side of this blog. There are only a couple of recipes there at the moment, but I will be adding to it, and hope you will e-mail me any of your favourites, so I can add them and put a link to your blog under the recipe.
Well that about wraps it up, I wish I could say I have been busy on the allotment or in the garden, but the weather has me beaten as I am sure it has you too if you live here in the UK.