Monday, 25 May 2009
Where did the week go ?
I went to the lottie after 4pm today and didn't get back until 7.45. I dug the bed for the sweetcorn, and it was so hot! I managed to get them all planted, but I still have to plant the broccoli ( green & purple sprouting), brussel sprouts, pumpkins and squashes, so lots to do yet.
The runner beans and french beans are growing well and have started climbing up the poles. The cucumber is growing like crazy in the greenhouse and the Aubergines are now ready to be put into very large pots for the greenhouse ones and to be planted out for the ones going in the bed where the wallflowers were outside the greenhouse. It was sad to pull up the wallflowers today, but they had all really gone past their best and had to go to make way for the aubergines and outside tomatoes. Below are some views of the plot taken yesterday and today.
Monday, 18 May 2009
The Dahlias are in at last.
Sunday, 17 May 2009
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
Flowers for free, who needs a florist ?
So I am just going to post some photo's of the first decent bunch of flowers picked from the garden this morning. They cheered me up, especially as they were free.
Close up shot of the Cerinthe.
A perfect bouquet for the mantelpiece
Sunday, 10 May 2009
A productive week on the allotment
The three rows of potatoes are up, AGAIN ! I have earthed them up three times now
The successful parsnips. These were grown in pots and then transplanted
Broad beans in flower. I can't wait for the first pod to appear.
The runner beans and the french beans, planted today.
The sunflower hedge, with calendula "art shades" in front of them.
Rosie with her summer hat on. She has a wheelbarrow now that someone gave me already painted a perfect blue. I have to plant it up this week.
Monday, 4 May 2009
Cock a doodle doo
Well that was a little experiment for me in what people have been doing for centuries, which is just as well or where would we be today without men and woman saving precious seeds for us to grow ?
Here's an update on other things growing.
Do you remember my post about chitting sweetcorn seeds ?
Tree Peony
That's the end of this post, until the next one Happy sowing and growing to all.