First of all I'd like to wish everyone a belated Happy New Year.
Secondly Id like to tell you that I've given up my allotment after almost eight years. It was a long time coming as I was getting less time to work on it and it was becoming very neglected and full of bindweed which drove me insane. So it had to go ! I have to say that looking through this blog I'm going to miss it ! But my plan is to put some small raised beds in the garden at home and also grow my french beans in amongst the flowers.
As long as I have french beans, courgettes, salad leaves and spinach I will be more than satisfied.
Also my dear friend Frances still has her allotment which is opposite where mine was, so I will be sharing some of her goodies. I also grow blueberries, strawberries and all my herbs in the garden already so it won't be too bad. It's been a relief not to have to go and weed there. I think when something becomes a chore and not enjoyable it's time to admit defeat and give it up.
I've been Upcycling and shabby chic -ing furniture and selling it in my friends vintage shop for some time now plus working in the Shop a day a week, so my time doing that has left me little time to work the allotment. I will still keep the blog going and let you know how growing veg in the garden pans out.
All the best
M xxx
IAVOM ~ Jumping For Joy!
1 day ago