Well its been a while and the last post was a bit of a moan! It has kind of sorted as the council listened to what I had to say and asked if I wanted to take it further to the commitee. I decided not to and we agreed to wait and see if anything more happened ! So far so good. The warden has stayed Way from me and I him so I have been enjoying my allotment once again.
I have done a lot in the few months since moving plots and have a fair bit growing. There are more courgettes than I can shake a stick at !!!! And all the bean varieties are coming at once.
Usually the broad beans finish, then I have the runner beans and then the lovely French beans.
But this year all are coming at the same time and I have given loads away.
My previous plot although steep and hard to manage had its good bits which I now realise. The first being I hardly had any bind weed and the pidgeons never ate my red gooseberries. But here on
plot 30 bind weed is rampant everywhere and lots of other weeds I hadn't seen on plot 19 (previous plot) and the pidgeons have stripped my gooseberries here on plot 30 ! Damn ! I love the red gooseberries, I will cover them next year. Everyone this side of the allotment cover theirs and I wondered why ! The red currents also got eaten by the birds. I just had a few clusters left, another one to cover next year.
I hope you are all having great harvests and enjoying the weather. I can't honestly say I am as I don't function well in the heat ! Its nice to see the sun and lovely blue skies, but feeling like someone has put me in the oven just doesn't appeal to me.
I wanted to post some photos but can't seem to get to my photos on the photo stream on my iPad, so need to do it from the laptop
M x
IAVOM ~ Jumping For Joy!
1 day ago