I am moving plots on the allotment! Mine is such a terrible shape to work and very sloping, so I have been given permission by the council to move to a flat plot which is just a big oblong area ! Yeah no more having to tackle little bits of ground here and there.
Although my plot 19 had character and was different to any other plot I can't wait to get plot 30 into shape. It was my daughter and her partners plot for a couple of years and they worked hard on it until their jobs gave them too little time to work it. So they gave it up this month. I will make sure they get lots of lovely veg from me though.
We have already got a start as I only have a few weeks to move everything off my old plot.
I have moved the Tayberry and my lavenders, They will look very nice along the edge of my new fruit bed. Next to move is the fruit trees and black current and the red gooseberry .
I only hope they all survive.
I will post photos as soon as it all looks better and the shed and greenhouse has been moved over.
M xxx
IAVOM ~ Jumping For Joy!
1 day ago