Next bargain of this week was from 'Homebase' which was three perennial border plants all reduced from £6.99 each to £2.29 each, they just needed deadheading and dead leaves removed and a bit of a feed and already I have new flowers in 2 days.
The plants are : Alstroemeria 'Jazze Purple Rose' , Verbasccum 'Jackie in Pink' and verbascum 'Jackie in Yellow' all very beautiful. ( photo's below) Then after I had paid for them the assistant said that over in the corner there were plants for free for customers to help them selves !! so I had 2 Aubergine plants and 4 strawberry plants of a different variety to the ones I have. Amazing, now I have the bug and want to scout the garden centres for more bargains.
Verbascum 'Jackie in Pink'
Although this isn't a bargain buy, as I paid a lot of money for the original plant at Hampton Court Flower Show three years ago. I only had flowers the year I bought it, and after that it didn't do very much at all, so last autumn I dug around and found the tubers which had increased by then. I dried them and stored over winter, and this year I have got 6 very large plants from the original one, so I am delighted with the results as the flower is beautiful and great for cutting.
A few photo's of around the garden today. I am glad I worked on the garden this year as we have been enjoying it so much (weather permitting !!) the borders look full and the plants colourful.
These have yet to go in a border, but I like to take my time as I often make mistakes and have to dig plants up and re position them.
Sweet-peas, one of many in the garden.