Friday, 15 May 2015

My little allotment in my garden

Hi everyone !

Well I'm sort of back blogging again, but this time my allotment is some lovely raised boxes in my garden.  The spinach is growing fast and I've had my first picking of baby spinach leaves, the rocket is up and growing fast as a rocket should !  Beetroot up, carrots just peeping through and mixed salad leaves almost ready for a first pick.
I've planted my purple french beans in a container as I will do with my courgette plant I've grown from seed. Lots of herbs and loads of strawberries.  So what with tomatoes I'm very happy with my very small allotment. 😃
Here's some photo's I've just taken and as it's been raining here hard all day everything looks so fresh.
I've lots of flowers seeds growing too as I like to have plenty to cut for the house. That is probably the only thing I'll miss about my big allotment, the cutting bed was amazing and it didn't rob my garden of anything when I cut from there. Oh well can't have everything ! And I have to say I don't miss the weeding and work on the allotment.