Sunday, 24 June 2012

Happiness is an allotment plot

I feel very lucky to have my allotment plot !  I was speaking to someone who recently got their plot and they had waited almost two years and then only got a half plot. I thought my nine months was a long time !! It also seems so unfair that there are about four plots on our site that have tenants who agreed to take the plot, paid the rent but have not been up to cultivate, in fact no-one has even seen them. The weeds are high and it looks a mess. Trouble is it takes months for the council to do anything about it. Things have to change!

The council first write a letter to the tenant giving them three months to cultivate, if they don't work the plot they then get notice to quit which is I think about a month or so. Which means that by the time the plot is empty it is so overgrown and very hard work for the next tenant. Some people think that as long as they pay the rent on the plot they have the right to do whatever they want and that seems to include leaving it uncultivated.

I love my allotment plot ! I feel Blessed that I have the money to buy seeds, the health to grow, plant and look after them, water to nourish them,( perhaps a little too much at present!) my sight to see them grow and good friends and neighbours to share the produce with.

I had a busy week-end and annoyingly woke up very early this morning, around 5am and couldn't get back to sleep so I gave in and came downstairs around 6am. This is very early for me as I'm not a morning person ! and I go to bed very late, always after midnight and often much later.  I'm definitely an Owl and not a Lark ! consequently I am now very tired but I bet I will still be up late. I try and change my bad habits but it's been too long now. If  anyone has any tips please pass them on as I would love to be sensible about my sleep habits.

Maybe a glass of wine will do the trick !!!!  Mmmmm

Let's hope we get some sunshine in the coming week! cos I'm fed up with this summer of ours.


Thursday, 14 June 2012

Busy time on the plot !

The weather has played havoc with sowing and planting this year for everyone, and the seasons are all out of sync. The plants don't know what they are supposed to be doing and I'm not sure I do either ! The broad beans are doing so well and are full of flowers. The mangetout are giving me a little handful of delicious pickings each day. The spinach bolted and went to seed when we had that hot spell ( remember that time ???) so I have to sow more as we love it.

I have only just planted the french beans so at least this year everything wont want picking all at once. The french beans should start when the broads are over and I have already sown more mangetout to keep the pickings going. I didn't do that last year and regretted it as we love them steamed and also raw in salads. I have also planted turnips this year. I have never grown them before so didn't realise the leaves get so big ! and they have flopped over the carrots and beetroot that I sowed either side of them in  the raised bed.  I now have to transplant them elsewhere, I hope they like being moved as I am looking forward to baby turnip, and it would be a shame to lose them.

Here's a little look around the plot, photo's were taken this week.

The parsnips which are covering the carrots and a row of beetroot. Spring onions on the end.

 Plot looking lush after all that rain.

The courgette bed with Sweet William's behind and at the back on the trellis is my thorn less Tayberry which has masses of fruit coming this year (2nd year) a very strong plant from Victoriana Nursery.

This is the only globe artichoke that survived the winter out of nine plants which were huge last year. I thought they were indestructible !! to be truthful though I'm not sorry about their demise as they took up too much space on the plot and I found them difficult to prepare and cook. But they are magnificent plants and have a stunning flower which the bees love. For that reason alone I will always have one growing, plus try cooking them as babies this year as the Italians do and I love eating artichoke hearts.

The onions (sorry about the weeds) in the foreground and broad beans behind them.

Mangetout, delicious !!

Cabbages and cauliflowers under the enviromesh tunnel. I'm not good at growing cauli's but giving it one more shot this year and if no luck that's it for me !

Last of all the re-painted sign. The yellow letters need going over with a different colour as they don't show up that well.

I hope you liked the little tour. Have a good week.
M x